20 Family Pictures Ideas

Every happy family grows and develops, sharing lives and memories. A large part of these memories are photographs they have of each other and their collective pictures, taken by family members or friends. A modern family tradition have become professionally taken family photographs, which turned out to be a fantastic idea, since the quality, beauty and love shown in these photographs is best captured by an experienced photographer.

If you are getting ready to have family pictures taken, make sure you find a good photographer, set the date hoping the weather will be nice, tell him/her your plans and start working on ideas!

Get Creative!

Creativity is the biggest thing in seeking perfect family picture ideas. Since you already have a beautiful family, the next thing to think about is clothing. You do not have to wear matching outfits, this is a little outdated idea, but you should follow one style for all. If you are not sure what to wear, consult a stylist, otherwise, just pick nice casual smart clothes, perhaps with one signature color that connects all members of your lovely group. Remember – you can make color or black&white pictures, or even both!

Think Location!

Location is very important. When you choose the location, be aware of the lighting. Outdoors is perfect, because the light is good and seasons can make a wonderful setting – spring flowers, summer sun, winter snowflakes or autumn leaves. You can lie down on the beach and have the photographer shoot you from above, stand on a cliff or run through the field – each family has their own preferences.

Think Kids!

Kids should be in focus of your family photos. This doesn’t mean they need to be in the middle, but the attention can fall onto them if they stand or play in the corner of the frame. Family picture ideas with babies or teenagers naturally differ, since babies you can hold, throw in the air, or play with them whichever way you like, but teenagers will need to look cool. Give your high school kids space and make sure you are in the best mood on the day.

Think Poses!

Ah, poses – there are so many! Just let your imagination guide you. Get inspiration from favorite family pastime or holiday, sit, stand, hold hands, hug each other or jump in the air! And most importantly – show affection and kiss your loved ones a lot!

Think Props!

Props can be anything you want – chairs, tables, hats, clothes, lights, food, flowers, drinks. Personalize your photos by having your kids hold blackboards with family names or family motto, or each member can hold an item important to the family.

Include Pets!

Family pictures cannot be perfect without the favorite dog, cat, bunny or bird.

Think Holidays!

Holiday themed family pictures are always special and here matching outfits are even preferred. Christmas pictures can be taken in the snow or around the tree, Thanksgiving can be pie related, while Easter photos can be done in pastel colors with bunny theme.

Think Collage!

Collage is a great way to present your family pictures once they are done. Collage can be done digitally or by old-school cut and paste technique. If you are creative – do it with your kids, if not – just ask a professional. Collage also allows for single pictures of family members to be taken and then assembled into one frame, or you can break down and make snapshots of just kids or just parents and connect it all together once the photos are ready.

We hope to help you with our family picture ideas, but you should remember to play with your family and to smile! Prepare your kids in advance and get them excited for the day. Finally – whether you make your family pictures in a theme park or on your couch remember to be natural and have fun!












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