Landscape Photography by Ted Andre Nilsen

Ted Andre Nilsen is a building-engineer from Narvik, Norway and is passionate in nature, fly-fishing and hunting. He captured the stream of awesome landscape photographs with his DSLR camera in his spare time.

35 Lovely Fox Pictures

What is it that makes people so drawn to cute animals, even if they’re wild? It’s a natural emotional reaction, sometimes referred to as “Bambi Syndrome”, that drives people to want to protect and take care of furry little things, mostly because they look like, or remind us of, babies. Among exotic or wild animals […]

45 Beautiful Louts Flowers

lotus flowers

Lotus flowers have inspired poets, holy men and artists all around the world. Their beauty, wrapped in a strange aura made of purity and light, is breathtaking. There is truly nothing you can do to escape their magical touch. Maybe it’s the way they surface, piercing and crossing the boundaries between worlds, standing proudly in […]

20 Beautiful Fall Pictures

Close your eyes, fall is here. The Autumn equinox, the only instant in the entire year when day and night are of equal length, just touched you with its magic fingers. Darkness entered the day and you find yourself facing the beautiful dance of lights and shadows that shapes this incredible season. You don’t fear […]

20 Family Pictures Ideas

Every happy family grows and develops, sharing lives and memories. A large part of these memories are photographs they have of each other and their collective pictures, taken by family members or friends. A modern family tradition have become professionally taken family photographs, which turned out to be a fantastic idea, since the quality, beauty […]

40 Inspiring Love Pictures

Life is filled with emotions of happiness, sadness, tears, smiles, and love. To create inspiring love pictures is a way to celebrate all its manifestations, including romance, intimacy, passion, joy, ecstasy, and communion, not only by photography but also by digital means. Whatever media is used, we need creative ideas.