50 Eye of Horus Tattoos with Meaning

The Eye of Horus, an ancient Egyptian symbol steeped in mythology and history, has become a popular choice for tattoos. This emblem, often associated with protection, healing, and restoration, holds profound meaning and presents a myriad of design possibilities. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the depth of the Eye of Horus and explore various tattoo design ideas inspired by this iconic symbol.

The Eye of Horus: A Glimpse into Its Mythological Roots

To fully appreciate the potential of an Eye of Horus tattoo, understanding its mythological roots is crucial. The Eye of Horus, also known as the Wadjet, is deeply intertwined with the story of Horus, the falcon-headed god of the sky.

In ancient Egyptian mythology, Horus lost his eye in a battle with his uncle Seth, the god of chaos, who murdered his father Osiris.However, Thoth, the god of wisdom and magic, restored the eye. This restored Eye of Horus became a powerful amulet symbolizing healing, restoration, and protection against evil.

Eye of Horus Tattoo Symbolism: More Than Meets the Eye

An Eye of Horus tattoo can convey a plethora of meanings depending on the wearer’s personal beliefs and intentions. Here are some of the most potent symbolism associated with this emblem:

Protection and Healing

Given its mythological background, people often see the Eye of Horus as a protective talisman. In tattoo form, it can symbolize a barrier against harm and a beacon of healing and restoration. It’s a reminder that even in the face of chaos and loss, recovery and renewal are possible.

Wisdom and Perception

The Eye of Horus also implies wisdom and insight, representing the ability to perceive beyond the visible world. A tattoo of this symbol could symbolize one’s quest for knowledge and understanding, or a desire to see beyond surface appearances.

Balance and Unity

In ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics, the Eye of Horus represents mathematical fractions, each part of the eye correlating to a fraction. Symbolically, it represents the harmony of the cosmos and the unity of individual elements forming a whole.

Eye of Horus Tattoo Design Ideas

The Eye of Horus offers a wealth of design possibilities. Here are a few ideas to inspire your unique tattoo:

Eye of Horus and Ankh Tattoo

The Ankh, or the key of life, is another powerful ancient Egyptian symbol representing eternal life. An Eye of Horus and Ankh design brings together the protective and healing aspects of the Eye. Paired with the life-affirming symbolism of the Ankh, it forms a potent emblem of life, health, and protection.

3D Eye of horus and Ankh tattoo

Eye of Horus with wings chest tattoo with Ankh symbol

Eye of horus with wings chest tattoo with Ankh symbol

A chest tattoo of the Eye of Horus with wings and the Ankh symbol is a stunning and meaningful design. Wings symbolize freedom and ascension. while the Ankh, known as the key of life, signifies life’s eternal nature. This powerful combination can act as a personal emblem of protection, freedom, and eternal life.

Black and grey Ankh with Eye of Horus tattoo

Eye of horus and Ankh back tattoo

Eye of horus and Ankh cross with wings tattoo

Eye of horus and Ankh with wing tattoo

Eye of Horus and Pyramid Tattoo

Pairing the Eye of Horus with a pyramid can symbolize the grandeur of ancient Egyptian civilization and the mysteries of life and death. This design can serve as a tribute to Egyptian culture, or a reflection on the enduring mysteries of existence.

Traditional Eye of horus and Pyramid tattoo

Horus eye and Pyramid with the earth tattoo

Realistic Eye of horus and Pyramid tattoo

Eye of Horus and Falcon Tattoo

Given that Horus is often depicted as a falcon in Egyptian mythology, incorporating a falcon into your Eye of Horus design can add a dynamic element of power and sovereignty.

Eye of Horus with falcon tattoo

Eye of Horus and Scarab Tattoo

The scarab beetle in ancient Egypt symbolizes creation, rebirth, and transformation. An Eye of Horus and scarab design can represent a journey of healing, transformation, and self-discovery.

Eye of horus and Scarab with wings tattoo

Scarab with skull face and Eye of Horus chest tattoo

Geometric Eye of Horus Tattoo

For a modern twist, consider a geometric Eye of Horus design. This style, characterized by its use of lines and shapes, adds a contemporary edge while retaining the symbol’s ancient roots.

Geometric eye of Horus tattoo

Eye of Horus and Anubis Tattoos

Anubis, the jackal-headed god of the afterlife, paired with the Eye of Horus, creates a potent symbol of protection and guidance in the afterlife. Therefore, the two symbols can be intertwined in a single design or placed side by side for a balanced tattoo.

Eye of horus and Anubis calf tattoo

Anubis and horus eye tattoo

Anubis and horus with eye of Horus tattoo

Anubis and watercolor Eye of Horus tattoo

Eye of Horus and Sun Tattoos

The sun is a universal symbol of life, energy, and strength. When combined with the sun, these tattoos symbolizes illumination, knowledge, and life-giving energy. This combination can be a beautiful depiction of life’s resilience and the power of light, both literally and metaphorically, over darkness.

Sun face with Pyramid Eagle head and Eye of Horus inside

Sun face with Pyramid Eagle head and Eye of Horus inside

Are you looking for a tattoo that radiates power and wisdom? Consider a sun face with a pyramid, eagle head, and Eye of Horus inside. The sun symbolizes life and energy, the pyramid stands for longevity and the mysteries of ancient civilizations, while the eagle represents strength and courage. The Eye of Horus anchors all these symbols with its protective and healing qualities.

Eye of Horus in firing sun

Eye of Horus in firing sun

An Eye of Horus in a firing sun makes for a visually striking design. The fierce, burning sun represents raw energy and passion, while the Eye of Horus adds an element of protection and restoration. This design could be a constant reminder of your inner fire, passion, and the protective forces in your life.

Eye of Horus and Eye of Ra Tattoos

The Eye of Ra, similar to the Eye of Horus, carries significant protective symbolism. A tattoo combining these two powerful Egyptian symbols can be a strong statement of protection and royal power.

Wings tattoo with eye of Horus and eye of Ra

Wings tattoo with eye of Horus and eye of Ra

The combination of wings, Eye of Horus, and Eye of Ra creates a symbolically rich and visually appealing design. The wings signify freedom and transcendence, the Eye of Horus represents healing and protection, and the Eye of Ra symbolizes creation and destruction. This tattoo could signify the balance between freedom and responsibility, creation and destruction, healing and harm.

Eye of Ra Sun and Eye of horus moon with Pyramid and Ankh tattoo

Eye of Ra Sun and Eye of horus moon with Pyramid and Ankh tattoo

This intricate design is a compelling blend of Egyptian mythology and celestial symbolism. The Eye of Ra as the sun and the Eye of Horus as the moon represent the cycle of day and night, creation and restoration. The pyramid and Ankh symbols add layers of eternal life and ancient wisdom. This design encapsulates the cyclical nature of existence and the eternal flow of life.

Horus and Eye of Horus Tattoos

Incorporating a full depiction of Horus with the Eye of Horus can offer a more comprehensive symbol of divine power and protection. Horus can be depicted in his falcon form, with the Eye symbolically placed, perhaps, in his outstretched wings.

Horus and eye of Horus forearm tattoo

Horus holding a harpoon and eye of Horus tattoo

Horus holding a harpoon and eye of Horus tattoo

A design of Horus holding a harpoon alongside the Eye of Horus creates a narrative of strength, protection, and resilience. The harpoon, a symbol of survival and resourcefulness, compliments Horus, the sky god associated with war and hunting. The Eye of Horus adds a protective element, making this design a symbol of a warrior’s spirit.

Hamsa with Eye of Horus Tattoos

The Hamsa hand is a symbol of protection in many Middle Eastern and North African cultures, often incorporating an eye symbol at its center. The Eye of Horus can replace the traditional eye, creating a fusion of cultural symbols for protection and strength.

Hamsa with eye of Horus and OM tattoo

Hamsa with eye of Horus and OM tattoo

Merge cultures and beliefs with a Hamsa, Eye of Horus, and Om design. The Hamsa, a protective symbol from the Middle East, the Eye of Horus, an Egyptian symbol of health and protection, and the Om, a sacred sound and spiritual icon in Indian religions, combine to create a powerful emblem of global unity, protection, and spirituality.

Hamsa with eye of Horus and lotus tattoo

Hamsa with eye of Horus and lotus tattoo

A Hamsa with an Eye of Horus and a lotus flower creates a harmonious blend of protective and spiritual symbols. The lotus, a symbol of purity and enlightenment in many Eastern cultures, adds a layer of spiritual growth and awakening to the protection offered by the Hamsa and the Eye of Horus.

All-Seeing Eye of Horus Tattoos

The All-Seeing Eye of Horus design emphasizes the Eye’s aspect of wisdom and knowledge. This design often features the Eye within a triangle or pyramid, underlining the all-seeing and all-knowing aspects of the symbol.

All seeing eye of horus tattoo forearm

All seeing eye of horus tattoo on the back of neck

All seeing eye of Horus and swords rain

All seeing eye of horus and swords rain tattoo

An All-Seeing Eye of Horus with a swords rain tattoo creates a visually dramatic and symbolically rich design. The All-Seeing Eye signifies divine providence and wisdom, while the raining swords can symbolize conflict, struggle, or transformation. This design can represent the wisdom gained through overcoming life’s trials.

All seeing Eye of Horus and wolf tattoo

All seeing Eye of horus and wolf tattoo

Combine primal instinct with divine wisdom in an All-Seeing Eye of Horus and wolf design. The wolf, a symbol of loyalty, courage, and spirit, alongside the All-Seeing Eye of Horus creates a powerful emblem of wisdom, courage, and spiritual insight.

All seeing eye of Horus hand tattoo

Watercolor Eye of Horus tattoo

Watercolor Eye of horus tattoo

Transform the traditional Eye of Horus symbol into a vibrant masterpiece with a watercolor design. The soft blending of colors adds a unique, artistic touch, making the symbol appear as if it’s part of a dreamy, ancient mural. This style can express your creative spirit and love for ancient artistry.

3D Eye of Horus tattoo

3D Eye of horus tattoo

Want to add some depth to your tattoo? A 3D Eye of Horus design can make the ancient symbol appear realistic and alive on your skin. This design gives the impression that the protective eye is truly watching over you, adding a sense of depth and dynamism to your body art.

American traditional eye of Horus tattoo

American traditional eye of Horus tattoo

Combine the old with the new by opting for an American Traditional style Eye of Horus design. This design, known for its bold lines and vibrant colors, can give the ancient Egyptian symbol a modern, Western twist while maintaining its historical significance.

Eye of Horus in triangle with daggers

Eye of horus in triangle with daggers

Add an edge to your Eye of Horus design by incorporating it in a triangle with daggers. This design can signify protection and power, with the daggers symbolizing strength and resilience, and the triangle representing harmony and divine connection.

Eye of Horus mandala tattoo

Eye of horus mandala tattoo

Marry the spiritual symbols of ancient Egypt and India with an Eye of Horus Mandala design. The Mandala, a symbol of unity and eternity, combined with the Eye of Horus, can create a powerful emblem of eternal protection and cosmic harmony.

Eye of Horus with clouds and lightning bolt tattoo

Eye of horus with clouds and lightning bolt tattoo

Amplify the power of the Eye of Horus with a cloud and lightning bolt design. The clouds can symbolize mystery and transition, while the lightning bolt represents power and sudden illumination. This design can serve as a personal reminder of the transformative power of life’s storms.

Eye of Horus with eyelash tattoo

Eye of horus with eyelash tattoo

Adding an eyelash to the Eye of Horus can make the design more feminine and delicate, while still preserving the symbol’s protective and healing qualities. This design is perfect for those who want to combine strength and femininity in their body art.

Eye of Horus with flower tattoo

Eye of horus with flower tattoo

Embellish the Eye of Horus with a flower for a design that’s both beautiful and meaningful. Depending on the type of flower you choose, this design can symbolize various themes such as love (rose), purity (lotus), or resilience (daisy), along with the protection offered by the Eye of Horus.

Horus eye and snake tattoo

Horus eye and snake tattoo

Combine the Eye of Horus with a snake for a design rich in ancient symbolism. The snake, often seen as a symbol of transformation and rebirth, can add an extra layer of depth to the protective and healing qualities of the Eye of Horus.

Realistic eye of Horus tattoo

Realistic eye of horus tattoo

Opt for a realistic Eye of Horus for a design that’s both visually striking and symbolically deep. This style, with its detailed shading and intricate linework, can make the ancient symbol appear as a true eye on your skin, enhancing its protective aura.

Tribal Eye of Horus tattoo

Tribal Eye of horus tattoo

A Tribal Eye of Horus is a potent design that fuses together two distinctive art styles. It brings together the bold lines and geometric patterns of tribal art with the ancient Egyptian symbol, the Eye of Horus. This design can be a testament to your strength, protection, and connection to ancient wisdom.

Eye of Horus Tattoo Placement Ideas

While the symbolism behind the Eye of Horus is fascinating, deciding where to place this ancient emblem on your body can be just as interesting. From subtle spots to bold displays, here are some of the best placement ideas for your Horus eye design.


A throat tattoo is not for the faint-hearted, but it can make a powerful statement. The Eye of Horus on the throat can be a conversation starter, a bold declaration of your connection to this ancient symbol. Depending on the design’s size, it can either be a central piece or a subtle addition to a larger neck or chest tattoo.

All seeing eye of Horus throat tattoo


The thigh offers a large, flat space, making it a fantastic canvas for larger Eye of Horus designs. It also allows for a more private tattoo, as it can be easily covered or revealed depending on your choice of clothing.

Eye of horus thigh tattoo


Placing the Eye of Horus on the hand ensures it will always be in sight. A hand tattoo can serve as a constant reminder of the symbol’s meaning to you. It can be a small, simple design on the back of the hand or a more intricate piece incorporating other elements on the palm.

Eye of Horus and providence hand tattoo

Eye of Horus and providence hand tattoo


For a more subtle approach, the finger is a fantastic placement option. An Eye of Horus tattoo can perfectly fit on the side of a finger, making it a minimalist yet impactful choice. This placement is perfect for those who prefer small but meaningful tattoos.

Eye of Ra Sun and Eye of horus finger tattoo

Eye of Ra Sun and Eye of horus finger tattoo


The wrist is a popular spot for tattoos due to its visibility and versatility. An Eye of Horus design can wrap around the wrist like a bracelet or be positioned to face you as a personal symbol. This placement is also ideal for those who want to easily cover their tattoo with a watch or bracelet when needed.

Eye of horus wrist tattoo

Realistic eye of horus tattoo wrist


Your forearm provides a great canvas for an Eye of Horus design. It’s an excellent spot if you want to showcase your tattoo most of the time. The design can be as simple or as detailed as you want, and it can either align with the length of your forearm or wrap around it.


The shoulder is a timeless choice for tattoo placement. An Eye of Horus tattoo on the shoulder can be a standalone piece or part of a larger back or arm tattoo. The shoulder’s curvature can also add an interesting dimension to the Eye of Horus design.

Horus eye shoulder tattoo


The back offers the largest canvas for a tattoo, allowing for maximum creativity. Whether you want a small Eye of Horus at the nape of your neck or a large design covering your back, the possibilities are plentiful. A back tattoo also offers the advantage of easy concealment when needed.

Horus eye tattoo on upper back


A foot tattoo can be a unique and intriguing choice. With the Eye of Horus on your foot, every step you take carries the ancient symbol’s weight. The design can be placed on the top of the foot for visibility or on the sole for a more private tattoo.

Eye of horus foot tattoo


The Eye of Horus, with its rich history and multifaceted symbolism, offers a wealth of possibilities for a meaningful and unique tattoo. Whether you’re drawn to its protective qualities, its association with wisdom, or its aesthetic appeal, this tattoo can be a powerful personal emblem.

Remember, the best tattoo design is one that resonates with you on a personal level. Start by taking the time to explore different design elements and reflecting on the symbol’s meaning. Then, consult with a professional tattoo artist to ensure your design perfectly expresses your individual journey.

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