40+ Party Makeup Ideas for women

Party Makeup Ideas

Every occasion requires a different make-up, wardrobe, hairstyle, behavior. In office or workplace, ladies usually wear more elegant clothes with relative discreet makeup. For evening outings, they turn to different outfit and make up for that occasion. Evening party gives us much more freedom when it comes to ideas on wardrobe, hairstyle, footwear and makeup […]

50 Inspirational TV Wall Ideas

Watching TV has been the central activity in the living room for many families. After a busy day, it’s kind of relaxing to watch favorite programs, news or movies before the television. So how to decorate the TV wall drives ideas and dedication of many DIY people. After all, there is almost no household in […]

40 Hair Styles for Men

It’s never like today that men have paid so much attention to their look. A closet room is the dream of every woman. However now men start to take care of their wardrobe, and learn how to combine colors and fashion accessories. While they used to wear old fashioned short hairstyles, or long hair tied […]

50 Tasty Healthy Recipes

It seems to me that there has never been so much talk about the importance of a healthy recipes and its impact on the well-being of our organism, as it is today. Today, due to the growing industries, huge factories, power plants, increasing traffic, the world has become a very polluted place to live. People […]

70 Square Nail Art Ideas

Without proper and shaped nails, there are no real ladies and women with style. Dear ladies whether you have short or long nails, always let them be tidy and stiff. Beautiful hands are something that many people notice first on another person. If they are nicely colored and nicely shaped, you will give the impression […]

20 Brilliant DIY Storage Box Ideas

Simple Way to decorate your Storage Box

DIY storage boxes are an excellent way to add extra organization and style to any room in your home. Children, as well as those a bit older, enjoy decorative items that enrich and warm our dwellings. When we receive them as a gift, we always anticipate them, and we choose the location for them with […]


Snake Tattoo on thigh

Snakes remind people of frightful bites or viper. When it comes to tattoo, snake tattoos are intimate and dynamic, which would bring fresh look to your body if you have right design. Well, if you are a fan of snake you will agree with me that snakes are definitely wonderful creatures that have got bad […]

75 Cute Bee Tattoo Ideas

Bee Tattoo

Although the cute bee tattoos are rare and sometimes ignored, but they really makes the great point to have it inked on the body. The worker bee has remained as the emblem for the Manchester since the Industrial Revolution, representing hard work of the city. But people across the city endowed it with new meanings […]