100 Cherub Tattoos: the Designs and Meanings

When contemplating a tattoo design that embodies love, protection, and innocence, the cherub often stands out as a compelling choice. These adorable angelic figures, with plump cheeks and winsome smiles, have been part of art and mythology for centuries. Cherub tattoos, in their myriad forms, can tell a deeply personal story, all while adding an artistic touch to your body canvas. Let’s delve into the fascinating world of cherub tattoos, their symbolism, and popular design ideas.

Understanding the Cherub: More Than Just Cute Angels

Before we dive into the design elements, let’s take a moment to understand what cherubs represent. Despite the modern representation of cherubs as baby angels, their origins in biblical texts depict them as much more complex beings. They were revered as guardians of sacred spaces and bearers of divine knowledge.

In the Renaissance period, artists began to portray cherubs as chubby babies with wings, often accompanying the Virgin Mary or Jesus. This image has stuck, and today, cherub tattoos often symbolize innocence, divine love, and spiritual connection.

Cherub Tattoos: Symbolism and Personal Meanings

The beauty of a tattoo lies in its ability to convey personal symbolism. A cherub tattoo is no exception.

Love and Affection

Cherubs have long been associated with love, thanks in part to Cupid, the Roman god of love, who is often depicted as a cherub with a bow and arrow. A cherub tattoo can denote romantic love, divine love, or even love for oneself.

Protection and Guidance

In their original biblical context, cherubs were protectors. Thus, a cherub tattoo can symbolize a protective force in one’s life. It could be a personal guardian angel, a loved one watching over you, or a representation of your inner strength.

Innocence and Purity

With their baby-like features, cherubs symbolize innocence, purity, and joy. These tattoos can serve as a reminder of one’s inner child or the simple joys of life.

Memorial Tattoos

Cherub tattoos are often chosen as memorials for lost loved ones, particularly children. They serve as a beautiful tribute, a permanent reminder of the bond that transcends life itself.

Popular Cherub Tattoo Designs

Now that we’ve explored the symbolism, let’s look at some popular cherub tattoo designs.

Praying Cherub

A praying cherub is a popular choice for those seeking a design with a strong spiritual or religious connection. This design signifies faith, hope, and devotion.

Praying cherub forearm tattoo

Praying cherub forearm tattoo

The praying cherub can be a symbol of your spiritual journey or a tribute to a guiding force in your life. The forearm placement ensures the design is easily visible, allowing the tattoo to serve as a constant source of inspiration.

Meditation cherub tattoo with words Solve Coagulae

Meditation cherub tattoo with words Solve Coagula

A meditation cherub tattoo paired with the words ‘Solve Coagula’ can signify personal transformation. ‘Solve Coagula’ is a Latin phrase meaning ‘dissolve and coagulate,’ a concept of breaking down and rebuilding in the pursuit of growth. This tattoo can symbolize the process of introspection and change, with the meditating cherub adding a serene touch.

Loving cherub with praying hands tattoo

Loving cherub with praying hands tattoo

For a design that exudes warmth and tenderness, consider a loving cherub with praying hands. This tattoo can symbolize love, faith, and compassion. The cherub’s loving gaze combined with the praying hands adds a soothing touch to the design.

Cherub with Heart or Bow and Arrow

Drawing from the association with Cupid, many choose designs featuring a cherub holding a heart or a bow and arrow. This design is perfect for those who want to emphasize the theme of love.

Cherub with bow tattoo

Cherub holding bow and arrow

Cherub holding bow and arrow

A cherub holding a bow and arrow is a classic design choice that draws inspiration from Cupid, the Roman god of love. This design can serve as a symbol of love, passion, or attraction. Whether depicted in mid-flight, poised to release an arrow, or simply holding the weapons, this tattoo can be a striking emblem of love’s power.

Cherub holding fruits with a heart diamond tattoo

Cherub holding fruits with a heart diamond tattoo

For a design that’s rich in symbolism, consider a cherub holding fruits with a heart diamond. The fruits can represent abundance and life, while the heart diamond embodies love and strength. This design can be a beautiful symbol of gratitude for life’s gifts and the enduring nature of love.

Falling cherub holding a love symbol

Falling cherub holding a love symbol

A falling cherub holding a love symbol offers a unique twist. The falling motion can represent a leap of faith or the ups and downs of life, while the love symbol held by the cherub reinforces the underlying theme of love. This design can serve as a reminder of the courage to love, even through life’s challenges.

Cherub and Clouds

Cherubs amidst clouds can create a serene and heavenly scene, often used to denote divine protection or guidance. This design works well for larger areas like the chest or back.

Two cherubs on cloud tattoo

Cherub and cloud tattoo

Cherub on the raining cloud tattoo

Cherub on the raining cloud tattoo

A cherub on a raining cloud can create a dreamy, celestial scene. The raining cloud can symbolize life’s transient storms, with the cherub serving as a reminder of hope and resilience. This design works well for larger tattoos and can add a whimsical touch to your body art.

Cherub and Bible Verse Tattoos

A cherub paired with a Bible verse creates a deeply meaningful tattoo. By choosing a verse that resonates with you, the tattoo becomes a personal expression of faith. Whether the cherub is depicted whispering the verse, or the words float around the cherub, this design can serve as a powerful spiritual reminder.

Cherub and bible verses tattoo Salmo 91

Cherub and bible verses tattoo Salmo 91

Pairing a cherub with Bible verse “Salmo 91” can create a deeply meaningful design. This Psalm is a prayer for protection, making it a powerful symbol of faith and divine protection. This design can serve as a spiritual armor, reminding you of God’s protection in times of adversity.

Cherub and Prayer for Saint Michael tattoo

Cherub and Prayer for Saint Michael tattoo

A cherub and Prayer for Saint Michael tattoo can be a bold statement of faith. Saint Michael is known as the protector against evil in various faiths, and a prayer to him coupled with a cherub can symbolize spiritual warfare and divine protection. This tattoo can be a beacon of strength and resilience in your spiritual journey.

Free me from evil.
Deliver me from the enemy.
The storms help me.
Protect me from dangers.
Save me from persecution.

Cherub and bible verse with dove tattoo

Cherub and bible verse with dove tattoo

A cherub and Bible verse with a dove tattoo can be a harmonious blend of divine symbols. The dove often represents peace, the Holy Spirit, or purity. Coupled with a cherub and a meaningful Bible verse, this design can serve as a symbol of your faith, peace, and spiritual aspirations.

Cherub and Flower Tattoos

Cherub and flower tattoos can be a beautiful union of angelic and natural elements. Whether it’s a cherub nestled among lilies or a cherub holding a bouquet of wildflowers, this design can symbolize purity, growth, and beauty. It’s a refreshing choice for anyone seeking an airy, botanical touch to their cherub tattoo.

Cute cherub with flower arm tattoo

Flying Cherub holding flower tattoo

Flying Cherub holding flower tattoo

A flying cherub holding a flower design can be a delightful embodiment of beauty and grace. The flying cherub symbolizes freedom and divine guidance, while the flower can represent various things, such as love, beauty, or life, depending on the type chosen. This design can serve as a beautiful reminder of life’s beauty and the freedom that comes with embracing it.

Girl cherub holding flowers tattoo

Girl cherub holding flowers tattoo

A girl cherub holding flowers design can be a charming symbol of femininity, innocence, and beauty. This design often portrays a female cherub – a rare but captivating sight – cradling a bouquet of flowers. This tattoo can serve as a celebration of femininity, a symbol of personal growth, or a tribute to the beauty of life

Angel cherub holding flowers tattoo

Angel cherub holding flowers tattoo

An angel cherub holding flowers design can be a divine symbol of peace, love, and spirituality. This design typically features a cherub with angelic features, such as a halo or larger wings, holding a flower. This tattoo can serve as a symbol of your faith, a beacon of peace, or a reminder of the transformative power of love.

Cherub holding flower tattoo

Cherub with flower tattoo

Cherub and Gun Tattoos

If you’re after something edgy, consider a cherub and gun design. This unexpected combination can represent the dichotomy of life — innocence and power, peace and violence. It’s a bold statement piece that pushes the boundaries of traditional cherub tattoos.

Cherub with AK 47 rifle hand tattoo

Cherub with AK 47 rifle hand tattoo

For a more daring design, consider a cherub with an AK 47 rifle hand piece. This unconventional tattoo design can symbolize the contrast between innocence and power or the unexpected sides of human nature. It’s a bold, thought-provoking design that can add an edgy touch to your tattoo collection.

Shooting cherub chest tattoo

Shooting cherub chest tattoo

This tattoo often features a cherub with a bow and arrow or a gun, symbolizing the power and sometimes the perils of love. Placed on the chest, it can serve as a powerful reminder of love’s transformative influence in your life.

Cherub and gun back tattoo

Cherub with a pistol tattoo

Cherub with a pistol tattoo

A cherub with a pistol tattoo can be a striking symbol of power and defiance. This design often portrays a cherub brandishing a pistol, symbolizing the unexpected blend of innocence and power. This tattoo can serve as a symbol of your strength, resilience, or your refusal to conform to expectations.

Cherub and Harp Tattoos

A cherub strumming a harp is a classic symbol of celestial music and harmony. This design can be a tribute to your love for music or a symbol of harmony in life. Whether it’s a small, minimalist design or a larger, detailed piece, a cherub with a harp can add a peaceful note to your tattoo collection.

Cherub playing harp on cloud

Cherub playing harp on cloud

A cherub playing a harp on a cloud piece can be a serene and heavenly design. The harp is often associated with harmony, music, and peace, making this design a soothing symbol of tranquility. This tattoo can serve as a reminder of your love for music or your quest for harmony in life.

Cherub With Harp tattoo

Black and white cherub playing harp tattoo

Cherub and Rose Tattoos

Cherub and rose tattoos are a popular choice, thanks to their rich symbolism. The cherub represents divine love, while the rose embodies passion, beauty, or even the fleeting nature of life. Whether it’s a cherub holding a single rose or surrounded by a bed of roses, this design can be your personal emblem of love and beauty.

Praying cherub with crown and rose forearm tattoo

Praying cherub with crown and rose forearm tattoo

A praying cherub with a crown and rose piece can be a richly symbolic design. The praying cherub symbolizes faith and devotion, the crown represents power or victory, and the rose can symbolize love or beauty. This tattoo can serve as a testament to your faith, your triumphs, or your commitment to love and beauty.

Realistic cherub with rose and dove tattoo

Realistic cherub with rose and dove tattoo

A realistic cherub with a rose and dove design can be a beautiful blend of divine symbols. The cherub represents divine love, the rose can symbolize earthly love or beauty, and the dove often represents peace or the Holy Spirit. This design can serve as a symbol of your faith, your quest for peace, or your belief in the power of love.

Traditional cherub and rose tattoo

Traditional cherub and rose tattoo

A traditional cherub and rose design can be a timeless addition to your body art. This design typically features a cherub with a rose, often drawn in black and grey for a classic feel. It can serve as a symbol of love, beauty, or spirituality, making it a versatile choice for any tattoo enthusiast.

Cherub and rose tattoo

Cherub with a stem of Rose should blade tattoo

Cherub with a stem of Rose should blade tattoo

The shoulder blade is a popular spot for cherub tattoos, offering a discreet yet significant placement. This design can symbolize the connection between divine love (cherub) and earthly beauty (rose), serving as a reminder of the balance between the spiritual and physical realms.

Dark cherub and roses forearm tattoo

Dark cherub and roses forearm tattoo

For a darker, more dramatic design, consider a dark cherub and roses forearm piece. This design often features a cherub in darker hues with roses, symbolizing the contrast between light and dark, or the beauty that can emerge from darkness. This tattoo can serve as a symbol of resilience, transformation, or the dualities of life.

Cherub and Skull Tattoos

A cherub and skull tattoo might sound grim, but it’s a striking design that speaks volumes. The cherub symbolizes innocence and divinity, while the skull is a stark reminder of mortality. This design can be an intriguing symbol of life’s duality — the blend of innocence and mortality, the eternal and the transient.

Blackwork cherub and skull tattoo

Blackwork cherub and skull tattoo

This bold and dramatic design combines the innocence of a cherub with the stark symbolism of a skull, offering a striking contrast. It’s a conversation starter, and it communicates a deep understanding of life’s dualities: innocence and mortality.

Traditional black and white cherub and skull tattoo

traditional black and white cherub and skull tattoo

A more traditional take on the cherub and skull theme is the black and white design. This tattoo plays with the contrast between light and dark, symbolizing the balance between life and death, innocence and wisdom. It offers a profound and timeless statement, suitable for lovers of classic tattoo art.

Cherub Face Tattoos

For a minimalist yet impactful design, consider a cherub face tattoo. The cherub’s face can be drawn with simple lines or detailed shading. This design can be a delicate nod to your angelic side, serving as a subtle yet charming addition to your body art.

Girl cherub face tattoo

Cherub face with wings and moon tattoo

Cherub face with wings and moon tattoo

A cherub face with wings and moon design is a dreamy, ethereal design that can symbolize protection, guidance, or divine connection. This design often features a cherub’s face framed by wings, with the moon as a serene backdrop. It can be a symbol of your spiritual journey or a tribute to your guardian angel.

Cherub with Moon and Stars Tattoos

For a celestial theme, a cherub with moon and stars can be an enchanting choice. This design can symbolize guidance, dreams, or the magic of the cosmos. Whether the cherub is sitting on the moon or reaching for the stars, this tattoo can be a whimsical symbol of your aspirations and dreams.

Cherub angel tattoo with moon and stars

Cherub angel tattoo with moon and stars

Cherub blowing trumpet sitting on crescent moon tattoo

Cherub blowing trumpet sitting on crescent moon tattoo

The trumpet signifies proclamation or divine messages, while the crescent moon can symbolize growth and creativity. This tattoo can remind you to listen to your inner voice and embrace your creative journey.

Cupid Cherub Tattoos

When most people think of cherubs, Cupid often comes to mind. The mischievous yet lovable god of love from Roman mythology is a popular choice for tattoos. A Cupid cherub tattoo, with its signature bow and arrow, is a playful representation of love and romance. This tattoo can be a symbol of your passionate side or serve as a permanent reminder of love’s transformative power.

cupid cherub tattoo on chest

cupid cherub tattoo on chest

A cupid cherub design on the chest can be a powerful symbol of love and passion. Cupid, the Roman god of love, is often depicted as a cherub with a bow and arrow. This design, placed close to your heart, can serve as a declaration of love or a reminder of the transformative power of passion.

Golden cupid cherub tattoo on arm

Golden cupid cherub tattoo on arm

For a touch of elegance and vibrancy, consider a golden cupid cherub design on your arm. The golden hue can symbolize wealth, success, or enlightenment, giving a unique twist to the traditional cupid cherub design. This tattoo can serve as a symbol of your achievements, aspirations, or your quest for wisdom.

Minimalist cupid cherub tattoo below inner elbow

Minimalist cupid cherub tattoo below inner elbow

A minimalist cupid cherub piece below the inner elbow can be a subtle yet meaningful design. The minimalist style focuses on the essential elements of the cherub, creating a clean, modern look. This tattoo can serve as a discreet symbol of love, or a reminder of the simple beauty of romance.

Simple cupid cherub archery tattoo

Simple cupid cherub archery tattoo

This design focuses on the image of the cupid cherub with his bow and arrow, symbolizing the act of falling in love. This tattoo can serve as a reminder of love’s spontaneity and its ability to transform lives.

Cupid cherub dotwork tattoo

Cupid cherub forearm tattoo

Cupid cherub shooting arrow tattoo

Cupid cherub shooting arrow tattoo

The action of shooting the arrow adds a sense of motion and energy to the tattoo. This design can serve as a symbol of your passion, your determination, or the transformative power of love.

Devil and Evil Cherub Tattoos

For a darker twist on the traditional cherub design, consider devil or evil cherub tattoos. These designs often feature cherubs with devil horns or a sinister expression. This unconventional tattoo can symbolize the duality of human nature, the constant battle between good and evil, or simply serve as an edgy piece of body art that defies conventions.

Devil cherub shooting tattoo

Devil cherub shooting tattoo

For a darker and edgier design, consider a devil cherub shooting piece. This design features a cherub with devilish features, such as horns or a tail, shooting an arrow. It’s a playful twist on the classic cherub tattoo, symbolizing the duality of human nature or the rebellious side of love.

Evil cherub calf tattoo

Evil cherub forearm tattoo

Simple demon cherub outline

Simple demon cherub outline

A simple demon cherub outline can be a minimalist and striking design. This tattoo usually features an outline of a cherub with devilish features, offering a stark contrast between innocence and mischief. This design can serve as a symbol of your playful side, your resilience, or your refusal to conform to expectations.

Angel and devil cherub tattoo

Angel and devil cherub tattoo

. This design typically features an angelic cherub and a demonic cherub, representing the dual aspects of human nature. It’s a reminder ofthe constant struggle between good and evil, and the balance that we all strive to maintain.

Demon cherub tattoo

Flying Cherub Tattoos

A flying cherub tattoo can be a beautiful embodiment of freedom and divine guidance. This design often features a cherub with wings spread wide, soaring amid the clouds. Whether drawn in fine lines or detailed shading, a flying cherub tattoo can serve as a symbol of your free spirit or as a reminder of divine support in your life journey.

Two flying cherubs tattoo

Flying Cherub tattoo

Kissing Cherub Tattoos

Kissing cherub tattoos are the epitome of sweetness and affection. These designs usually portray two cherubs sharing a tender kiss, making it a charming symbol of love and companionship. This tattoo could represent personal relationships or your belief in love’s transcendent power.

Simple kissing cherub tattoo

Kissing cherub tattoo

Sad Cherub Tattoos

A sad cherub tattoo might seem a bit melancholic, but it carries deep emotional resonance. This design can express a range of feelings — from personal loss to empathy. It can also symbolize the acceptance of life’s sorrows and the strength to move forward. A sad cherub tattoo is a poignant piece of art that can reflect your emotional depth.

Crying cherub tattoo

Sad cherub tattoo

Sleeping Cherub Tattoos

A sleeping cherub tattoo can be a serene and calming design choice. It often features a cherub in peaceful slumber, usually surrounded by clouds or stars. This tattoo can symbolize peace, tranquility, or the bliss of dreams. It can also serve as a comforting reminder of rest and reprieve amid life’s turmoil.

Sleeping Cherub forearm tattoo

Sleeping cherub with star tattoo

Sleeping cherub with star tattoo

A sleeping cherub with a star design can be a charming and tranquil piece. The sleeping cherub symbolizes peace, innocence, and serenity, while the star can represent guidance, aspiration, or mystery. This design is perfect for those who seek a sense of calm amidst the chaos and appreciate the beauty of peaceful moments.

Sleeping cherub on clouds with love symbol

Sleeping cherub on clouds with love symbol

For a design that’s all about love and tranquility, consider a piece featuring a sleeping cherub on clouds with a love symbol. This dreamy design combines the serene imagery of a sleeping cherub with the universally recognized symbol of love. It’s an ideal choice for those who believe in love’s power to bring peace and harmony.

Cherub sleeping on the cloud line work

Speak No Evil Cherub Tattoos

The “Speak No Evil” cherub tattoo is a unique take on the age-old proverb. This design features a cherub covering its mouth, symbolizing the value of discretion and wisdom in speech. It can serve as a constant reminder to speak with kindness and thoughtfulness.

Speak no evil cherub tattoo

Speak no evil cherubs with rose tattoo

No evil cherubs tattoo

Thinking Cherub Tattoos

A thinking cherub tattoo can be a symbol of contemplation and wisdom. Whether it’s a cherub resting its chin on its hand or lost in a book, this design is a nod to your intellectual side. It can also serve as a reminder of the importance of reflection and learning in life.

Thinking sketchy cherub tattoo

Two thinking cherubs forearm tattoo

Sketchy cherub thinking tattoo

Thinking cherub dotwork tattoo

Three Cherubs Tattoos

A three cherubs tattoo is a dynamic design that can carry various meanings. The trio could represent past, present, and future or symbolize harmony and balance. It could also stand for personal relationships or milestones. This tattoo can be a profound reflection of your life’s journey and beliefs.

Three dancing cherubs back tattoo

Three dancing cherubs side tattoo

Three dancing cherubs sternum tattoo

Three dancing cherubs tattoo

Minimalist three cherub tattoo

Minimalist three cherub tattoo

Minimalism and tattoos go hand in hand, and a minimalist three cherub tattoo is a testament to that. This design distills the cherubs into simple, streamlined figures, focusing on their key attributes. It’s a subtle and elegant way to symbolize unity, harmony, or the bond between siblings or close friends

Three Cherubs sternum tattoo

Traditional Cherub Tattoos

Traditional cherub tattoos often feature a cherub in prayer or simply striking a pose, typically drawn in black and grey. These designs have a timeless appeal and carry a sense of tranquility and divine protection. They can serve as a classic symbol of your faith or spiritual journey.

American traditional two cherubs love tattoo

American traditional two cherubs love tattoo

An American traditional two cherubs love design harkens back to the roots of tattoo culture. This design typically features two cherubs, often with a heart or other love symbol, in the bold colors and thick outlines characteristic of the American traditional style. It’s a vibrant and timeless declaration of love.

Black and white traditional cherub archery tattoo

Black and white traditional cherub archery tattoo

For fans of classic tattoo artistry, a black and white traditional cherub archery design can be a striking choice. This design focuses on a cherub poised with a bow and arrow, ready to strike. It’s a potent symbol of love’s unpredictable nature and its ability to strike when least expected.

Cherub black and white traditional tattoo

Cherub black and white traditional tattoo

American traditional cherub and Sacret heart tattoo

American traditional cherub and sacret heart tattoo

An American traditional cherub and sacred heart design combine classic tattoo imagery with deep spiritual symbolism. The cherub represents divine love, while the sacred heart symbolizes passion, love, and sacrifice. It’s a bold and dramatic piece that underscores the power and intensity of love.

Two Cherubs Tattoos

A two cherubs tattoo can symbolize partnership, friendship, or love. Whether they’re depicted holding hands, sharing a secret, or simply in each other’s company, this design can serve as a symbol of connection and unity. It can be a beautiful reflection of your relationships or your belief in the power of unity.

Two Cherubs with lightning bolt on cloud tattoo greyscale

Two Cherubs with lightning bolt on cloud tattoo greyscale

For a dynamic and striking design, consider a piece featuring two cherubs with a lightning bolt on a cloud, rendered in greyscale. The lightning bolt adds a sense of energy and power to the serene imagery of the cherubs and cloud. This design could symbolize the electrifying nature of love or the dramatic impact of sudden change.

Two Cherubs with moon and star arm tattoo

Two Cherubs with moon and star arm tattoo

Two colored loving cherubs tattoo

Two colored loving cherubs tattoo

A two colored loving cherubs design can be a vibrant and affectionate piece. The cherubs, depicted in a loving embrace or interaction, radiate warmth and affection. This design, rendered in a duo of colors, is a beautiful way to commemorate a loving relationship or the bond between siblings or friends.

Two kissing cherubs side tattoo

Two kissing cherubs side tattoo

If you’re looking for a design that’s both romantic and classic, consider a two kissing cherubs side pieceThis design features cherubs sharing a sweet kiss, a timeless symbol of love and affection. Placed on the side, this tattoo can serve as a personal reminder of love’s sweetness and joy.

Two playful cherubs tattoo

Two playful cherubs tattoo

Two cherubs chest tattoo

Two cherubs fighting with snake chest tattoo

Two cherubs fighting with snake chest tattoo

A two cherubs fighting with a snake design can be a powerful and symbolic piece. This design tells a story of struggle and triumph, with the cherubs battling the snake, a common symbol of temptation or danger. It’s a testament to the power of unity and love in overcoming challenges.

Two Cherubs outline

Two cherubs tattoo above inner elbow tattoo

Two cherubs tattoo above inner elbow tattoo

For a cherub tattoo that’s a little out of the ordinary, consider a design featuring two cherubs above the inner elbow. This placement makes for a unique and eye-catching piece. The two cherubs can symbolize companionship, love, or balance, making this tattoo a versatile and meaningful choice.

Cherub line work matching tattoos

Cherub line work matching tattoos

If you’re considering getting matching tattoos with a loved one, cherub line work designs can be a great choice. The simplicity of line work lends a modern feel, and the matching cherubs can symbolize the bond you share. Whether it’s a simple cherub face or a full-body cherub, these minimalistic designs can make a powerful statement.

Cherub statue tattoo

Cherub statue tattoo

A cherub statue design can be a stunning choice for lovers of realism and classical art. This design captures the cherub in a state of eternal stillness, like a sculpture. It’s a unique way to portray the cherub, adding an artistic and timeless touch to your tattoo.

Cherub with banner bearing words You’ve go cool

Cherub with banner bearing words Youve go cool

For a design that’s playful and personal, a cherub with a banner bearing the words ‘You’ve Got Cool’ can be a fun choice. This tattoo can express your personality and serve as a self-affirmation. The cherub adds an angelic touch, while the banner’s message injects your unique vibe.

Cherub cover up tattoo under ear

Cherub cover up tattoo under ear

A cherub cover-up tattoo under the ear can be a delicate and discrete choice. Whether you’re covering an old tattoo or a scar, the cherub can transform the area into something beautiful. A small cherub face or a cherub wing can fit perfectly in this area, peeking out from behind your hair.

Placement Ideas

Choosing the right placement for a tattoo is just as crucial as selecting the design itself. With cherub tattoos, their versatility and timeless appeal make them suitable for nearly any area of the body. From discrete spots like the wrist or ankle to more prominent locations like the chest or thigh, we’ve got you covered. Here are some ideas for your reference.


The hand is a popular spot for tattoos due to its visibility. A cherub tattoo on your hand ensures your design is always in sight, serving as a constant reminder of what it represents. Whether it’s a minuscule cherub on your finger or a more elaborate design gracing your palm, hand tattoos make a bold statement.

Boy and girl cherub hand tattoo


For a more subtle option, consider the wrist. This area is perfect for a small cherub design or a simple cherub wing. Wrist tattoos are easy to show off, but they’re also easy to conceal if needed. Plus, every time you glance at your wrist, you’ll have your little angel looking back at you.

Cherub wrist tattoo


The thigh offers a larger canvas, ideal for more detailed cherub designs. You could opt for a cherub amidst clouds, a group of cherubs, or even a cherub portrait. Thigh tattoos also offer a degree of privacy as they can be easily covered.

Boy and girl cherub thigh tattoo


The bicep is a classic tattoo location and works well for medium-sized cherub designs. Whether it’s a cherub with a bow and arrow or a praying cherub, the bicep location allows your design to flex and move with you, bringing your angelic companion to life.

Cherub archery bicep tattoo


A chest tattoo is a personal statement. Given its proximity to the heart, it’s a fitting location for a cherub tattoo, especially if it symbolizes love, protection, or a memorial tribute. Larger designs, like a cherub in flight or a cherub and clouds scene, can look stunning across the chest.

Cherub face with wings chest tattoo

Low Back

The low back is a more private and sensual spot for a tattoo. It’s an excellent choice if you prefer a cherub design that’s for your eyes only or for those intimate moments. A single cherub or a pair of cherub wings can add an intriguing touch to this area.

Cherub low back tattoo


The neck is a bold and highly visible location. A small cherub, a cherub’s face, or a simple cherub wing at the back of the neck can make quite a statement. If you’re a fan of collarbone tattoos, a cherub design can beautifully accentuate this area, too.

Cherub neck tattoo

Above Elbow

The area above the elbow offers a unique placement for your cherub tattoo. This spot is ideal for mid-sized designs and works well if you plan to extend your tattoo into a half-sleeve or full-sleeve later. As you move your arm, your cherub will dance along, adding a dynamic element to your tattoo.

Kissing cherub above elbow tattoo black and grey


The ankle is a popular spot for those who prefer smaller, discrete tattoos. A tiny cherub or a cherub wing around the ankle can be a delicate adornment, peeking out from your footwear. Ankle tattoos are easy to cover, making them a practical choice for different occasions and dress codes.

Cute Cherub tattoo above ankle

Little cherub ankle tattoo


From their ancient biblical origins to their present-day interpretations, cherubs carry a wealth of symbolism. A cherub tattoo can be a heartfelt expression of love, a tribute to a loved one, or a personal emblem of faith and protection. Whether you prefer a classic cherub design, a Cupid-inspired piece, or a personalized cherub portrait, your tattoo will be as unique as your story. Remember, the best tattoo is one that resonates with you, and a cherub design offers a timeless and meaningful choice.

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