50+ Scarab Tattoo Design Ideas with Meaning

When it comes to tattoo designs that hold deep symbolism and historical significance, the scarab beetle holds a special place. This ancient Egyptian symbol of rebirth, transformation, and protection has found its way into modern tattoo artistry, creating striking designs that carry a profound meaning. Let’s embark on an exploration of the various Scarab tattoo designs that could be your next emblem of personal transformation.

The Scarab: A Historical Perspective

The scarab beetle, revered in ancient Egypt, is the central figure of the scarab tattoo. These insects were seen as sacred symbols due to their unique behavior of rolling balls of dung across the ground to lay their eggs, a process that mirrored the sun’s journey across the sky in the eyes of the Egyptians.

This led to the scarab beetle being associated with Khepri, the Egyptian god of the rising sun, rebirth, and creation. Consequently, the scarab became a symbol of renewal, transformation, and the cyclical nature of life. When you see a scarab tattoo today, you’re seeing a piece of this rich history inked on the skin.

The Core Meaning of the Scarab Tattoo

While the scarab tattoo can be customized in numerous ways, the core meaning remains consistent. It’s a symbol of rebirth, regeneration, and transformation.


The scarab’s connection to the rising sun relates to the idea of a new day and a fresh start. This signifies rebirth, not just in a literal sense, but also symbolizing the capacity for personal growth and self-improvement. Scarab tattoos are a reminder that it’s never too late to start anew and make positive changes.


The scarab is also a potent symbol of transformation. Just as the beetle transforms a ball of dung into a nurturing space for its offspring, humans too can turn challenging situations into opportunities for growth. A scarab tattoo celebrates this transformative power within us all.

The Cycle of Life

The scarab’s behavior reflects the cyclical nature of life, from dawn to dusk and birth to death. This cycle, in turn, is a symbol of the inevitability and acceptance of change. Scarab tattoos are a testament to the wearer’s understanding and acceptance of life’s ebbs and flows.

The Aesthetics of Scarab Tattoos: Symbolism in Design

The design of a scarab tattoo can add layers of meaning to the basic symbolism of the beetle. Let’s explore some popular variations.

Scarab and Sun Tattoos

In ancient Egyptian mythology, the scarab was seen as the embodiment of the early morning sun god Khepri, who was believed to renew the sun every day before rolling it above the horizon. A scarab and sun tattoo can symbolize this daily rebirth and renewal. This design could depict a scarab with a sun disc, creating a vibrant symbol of daily transformation and new beginnings.

Stylized Scarab Beetle with Sun Disk tattoo

Scarab Beetle pushing sun disk

Colored Scarab Beetle and sun tattoo on upper back

traditional Scarab Beetle with sun disk tattoo

Pure Scarab Tattoos

A pure scarab tattoo focuses on the beetle itself, without the addition of other symbols or elements. This design can be as simple or as detailed as you prefer. From a minimalist, line-based scarab to a detailed, realistic depiction, the options are endless. This tattoo is a powerful symbol of rebirth and transformation, representing the wearer’s personal growth and evolution.

Scarab amulet tattoo

Scarab amulet tattoo

Fine line Scarab Beetle tattoo

Scarab and Ankh Tattoos

The Ankh, also known as the key of life, is an ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic symbol representing eternal life. Pairing the scarab, a symbol of rebirth, with the Ankh creates a compelling narrative about life, death, and rebirth. This design could feature a scarab holding an Ankh, symbolizing the eternal cycle of transformation.

Blackwork Scarab Beetle with Ankh tattoo

Black and white Scarab Beetle pushing a disk with Ankh tattoo

Ankh with Eye of Ra Scarab Beetle and Pyramid tattoo

Scarab and Moon Tattoos

The moon, with its phases, is a powerful symbol of cycles, change, and regeneration. A scarab and moon tattoo can embody this cyclical nature of life and transformation. This design could feature a scarab beneath a crescent moon, representing the constant process of growth and change.

Scarab Beetle and crescent moon

Scarab Beetle with moon phase tattoo

Scarab Beetle and moon tattoo black and white

Scarab Beetle with crescent moon and moon phase tattoo

Scarab Beetle with crescent moon and moon phase tattoo

This design can be a beautiful representation of personal growth—just as the moon cycles through phases, so do we experience different phases in our lives. The scarab, pushing through the moon’s stages, can symbolize the continuous effort required for personal evolution.

Colored Scarab Beetle with moon phase tattoo

Black and white Scarab beetle and moon phase tattoo

Scarab Beetle and crescent moon dotwork

Scarab and Pyramid Tattoos

The pyramids, grandiose structures of ancient Egypt, can add an architectural dimension to a scarab design. A scarab and pyramid tattoo might feature a scarab in front of or on top of a pyramid, symbolizing the eternal nature of transformation and rebirth. This design can also serve as an homage to the timeless wonder of ancient Egyptian civilization.

Scarab Beetle and Pyramid tattoo

Egyptian Pyramids Scarab Beetle and lotus tattoo

Egyptian Pyramids Scarab Beetle and lotus tattoo

Combining the Egyptian pyramids, a scarab beetle, and a lotus flower in one design can result in a rich tapestry of symbolic meanings. The pyramids, a testament to human ingenuity and persistence, paired with the scarab, a symbol of rebirth, and the lotus, an emblem of purity and spiritual enlightenment, can create a striking tableau of human potential and spiritual growth.

Watercolor Scarab Tattoos

The watercolor tattoo style, known for its fluid lines and vibrant splashes of color, can lend a contemporary twist to the ancient symbol of the scarab. A watercolor scarab tattoo might feature a stylized depiction of the beetle, surrounded by vibrant, flowing colors, creating a dynamic and modern piece of body art.

Tribal Scarab Tattoos

Tribal tattoos, characterized by black lines, geometric patterns, and symbolic imagery, can create a bold visual statement with a scarab design. A tribal scarab tattoo might feature a silhouette of the beetle filled with intricate tribal patterns. This design merges the symbolism of the scarab with the distinct aesthetics of tribal art.

Tribal Scarab Beetle tattoo

Scarab and Lotus Tattoos

The lotus, a symbol of creation and rebirth in ancient Egyptian culture, makes a beautiful and serene partner for the scarab. A scarab and lotus tattoo could feature a scarab emerging from a lotus flower, symbolizing rebirth and the cyclical nature of life.

Scarab Beetle and Egyptian lotus tattoo

Scarab Beetle and lotus linework

Scarab Beetle and lotus tattoo

Scarab and Eye of Horus Tattoos

The Eye of Horus, an ancient Egyptian symbol of protection, royal power, and good health, can create an engaging narrative when paired with the scarab. This design might showcase a scarab beneath the Eye of Horus, creating a potent symbol of protection, transformation, and healing.

Scarab with Anubis Ra Pyramid with Eye of Horus tattoo

Traditional Scarab Beetle with Eye of Horus tattoo

Scarab Beetle and Eye of Horus back tattoo

Scarab Beetle with Eye of Horus back tattoo

Scarab and Hieroglyphs Tattoos

Hieroglyphs, the sacred writing system of ancient Egypt, can add a textual dimension to a scarab tattoo. A scarab and hieroglyphs tattoo could depict a scarab surrounded by hieroglyphic inscriptions. This design can carry a personal message or mantra, further enhancing the symbolic depth of the tattoo.

Scarab with Egyptian Hieroglyphs Tattoo

Scarab and Egyptian Hieroglyphs Tattoo

Scarab and Stars Tattoos

Stars, with their eternal shine, can symbolize guidance, ambition, and dreams. A scarab and stars tattoo could depict a scarab surrounded by stars, symbolizing the guiding light of transformation and the pursuit of one’s dreams.

Colored Scarab Beetle with moon and stars tattoo

Scarab and Feather Tattoos

Feathers in ancient Egypt were associated with Ma’at, the goddess of truth, balance, harmony, and law. A scarab and feather tattoo could depict a scarab with a feather, symbolizing the balance of life and transformation or the lightness and ease with which one should approach changes.

Scarab Beetle with feathers tattoo

Scarab Beetle and Anubis Tattoos

Unifying the mighty scarab with Anubis—the Egyptian god of death and afterlife—creates an intriguing paradox of life and death. This design serves as a vivid reminder of the continuous cycle of existence. The scarab, a symbol of life’s dawn, combined with Anubis, a deity representing life’s dusk, paints a full picture of the life-death-rebirth cycle.

Scarab Beetle pushing the sun with Anubis and Horus

Scarab Beetle pushing the sun with Anubis and Horus

In this design, the scarab beetle pushes the sun across the sky, a classic Egyptian symbol of daily rebirth and renewal. When you add Anubis, the god of death, and Horus, the god of the sky, the resulting image is a powerful representation of the cycle of life, death, and rebirth. This tattoo design can be a profound reminder of life’s cyclical nature and the potential for new beginnings.

Scarab beetle with Anubis and Eye of Ra tattoo

Scarab beetle with Anubis and Eye of Ra tattoo

A scarab beetle, Anubis, and the Eye of Ra, combined into one design, makes for a potent design. Anubis, associated with the afterlife, and the Eye of Ra, a symbol of protection, can add layers of meaning to the scarab’s symbolism of rebirth. This tattoo could represent the transformative journey through life, death, and rebirth, under the watchful and protective Eye of Ra.

Anubis and Scarab Beetle tattoo black and grey

Geometric Scarab Beetle Tattoos

Geometric designs lend a modern edge to the ancient scarab symbol. By incorporating shapes and lines, this style can transform the beetle into an abstract work of art. Whether it’s a 3D representation or a flat, minimalist design, a geometric scarab beetle tattoo makes a bold statement of individuality and appreciation for structure and symmetry.

Geometric Scarab Beetle tattoo

Heart geometric patterns and scarab tattoo

Geometric Scarab Beetle tattoo on Arm

Geometric Scarab Beetle tattoo on chest

Neo Traditional Scarab Beetle Tattoos

Neo traditional tattoos offer a vibrant and detailed take on the classic scarab design. With their bold lines, vivid colors, and intricate embellishments, these designs bring the beetle to life like never before. A neo traditional scarab tattoo can be a colorful, dramatic display of personal transformation and rebirth.

Neo traditional Scarab Beetle tattoo

Neo traditional Scarab Beetle and sun tattoo

Scarab Beetle and All-seeing Eye Tattoos

Pairing the scarab beetle with the All-seeing Eye—a symbol of divine omniscience—creates a potent emblem of wisdom and insight. This design might suggest that personal transformation and rebirth come through heightened understanding and spiritual awareness. It’s a unique way to express a commitment to personal growth and enlightenment.

Scarab Beetle and All seeing Eye Pyramid tattoo

Al seeing eye and Scarab beetle tattoo

Scarab Beetle and Bastet Tattoos

Bastet, the ancient Egyptian goddess of home, fertility, and protectress of the pharaoh, makes a fascinating tattoo partner for the scarab beetle. A scarab-Bastet design could symbolize the balance between domestic stability (Bastet) and personal transformation (scarab). It’s a uniquely personal way to celebrate the protective and transformative forces in one’s life.

Scarab beetle and Bastet with moon and stars tattoo

Scarab beetle and Bastet with moon and stars tattoo

Pairing the scarab beetle and Bastet—the cat-headed Egyptian goddess—against a backdrop of the moon and stars, creates a design that’s not just visually stunning, but also rich in symbolism. The moon and stars add a celestial touch, enhancing the mystical allure of the design.

Black and grey Scarab Beetle tattoo

Scarab beetle and Bastet tattoo

Scarab Beetle with Eye of Ra Tattoos

The Eye of Ra, a symbol of protection and divine power, can add a protective aspect to the symbolism of a scarab tattoo. This design can serve as a powerful talisman, combining the themes of rebirth (scarab) and divine safeguarding (Eye of Ra). It’s an emblem of protection and transformation, reinforcing the idea that change is always possible under the watchful eyes of the divine.

Traditional Scarab Beetle with Eye of Ra tattoo

Scarab Beetle with Eye of Ra and Ankh tattoo

Traditional Scarab Beetle Tattoos

Traditional scarab beetle tattoos are a nod to the roots of this powerful symbol. These designs often feature bold black outlines, minimal color, and a certain simplicity that lets the symbolism shine through. If you’re a fan of classic tattoo styles and appreciate the scarab’s ancient symbolism, a traditional scarab beetle tattoo might be the perfect choice for you.

Traditional Scarab Beetle pushing sun disk tattoo

Traditional Scarab beetle tattoo

American traditional Scarab Beetle tattoo

Traditional Scarab Beetle and cobra tattoo

Traditional Scarab Beetle and cobra tattoo

A traditional scarab beetle and cobra tattoo merges two powerful Egyptian symbols. The cobra, known for its deadly potency and association with the goddess Wadjet, represents royal authority and the protection of Egypt. When paired with the scarab, this design can symbolize the transformative power and authority one can wield over their own life. This tattoo design can be a bold declaration of personal power and the ability to navigate change with strength.

Scarab Beetle with Wings Tattoo

Scarab Beetle with wings tattoo

Incorporating wings into a scarab beetle design adds an element of freedom and ascension to the existing symbolism of transformation and rebirth. As a symbol of flight and liberation, wings can enhance the scarab’s symbolism, making it a symbol of not just rebirth, but also of rising and transcending past limitations.

Scarab Beetle Pushing an Eye Tattoo

Scarab Beetle pushing an eye

A design of a scarab beetle pushing an eye can be a visually striking symbol of perception and transformation. The eye can represent awareness and understanding, while the scarab’s action of pushing it might symbolize the effort of pushing forward towards personal transformation. It’s a dynamic, engaging way to express a commitment to change and insight.

Scarab Beetle Pushing Flower Tattoo

Scarab Beetle pushing flower tattoo

In a design where the scarab beetle pushes a flower, the symbolism can take on a gentler, more nurturing tone. The flower can represent beauty, growth, and potential, while the beetle’s action of pushing it can symbolize the nurturing of personal growth and transformation. This tattoo can be a beautiful reminder of the potential beauty that can emerge from personal change.

Placement Ideas

Picking the right spot for a tattoo is just as important as picking out the style. Where your tattoo is placed can affect not only how it looks but also how it moves and reacts with the clothes you wear. Here are some of the best placement ideas to make your design truly shine!


A scarab tattoo on the neck offers a bold, visible statement. It’s a spot that’s easily seen, making it perfect for those who want their ink on full display. While the neck offers a smaller canvas, a well-designed scarab can look incredibly striking here, especially when it’s tailored to follow the natural curve of your neck.

Scarab Sleeve Tattoos

For those ready to commit to a larger piece, a scarab sleeve tattoo can be a striking choice. This design could feature a larger-than-life scarab, surrounded by other ancient Egyptian symbols. The size and detail level of sleeve tattoos allow for a deeply immersive narrative about transformation and rebirth.

Scarab Chest Tattoos

For a truly majestic display, consider a scarab chest tattoo. This design might depict a scarab in a central position, surrounded by other symbolic elements. With the broad canvas of the chest, this tattoo could be a detailed, intricate piece of art that serves as a personal testament of your journey of transformation.


Wrist placement is ideal for smaller, more delicate scarab designs. A scarab tattoo on your wrist can serve as a constant reminder of your personal growth and transformation. Plus, it’s a versatile spot—you can easily cover it up with a watch or bracelet, or let it show, depending on the occasion.

Above the Knee

Placing a scarab tattoo above the knee offers plenty of space for a larger, more intricate design. This location allows for a detailed depiction of the scarab, whether it’s pushing a sun disk or intricately adorned with Egyptian symbols. Above the knee is also a great spot if you want your tattoo to be visible when you’re wearing shorts or a skirt, but easily hidden under longer clothing.


A scarab tattoo on the sternum can create a powerful, intimate statement. The sternum offers a wide, flat canvas that’s ideal for medium to large scarab designs. This location is a popular choice for those who want a tattoo that can be privately appreciated or publicly displayed, depending on clothing choice.

Scarab Tattoo on the Bicep

The bicep is a classic tattoo placement, and it works wonderfully for a scarab design. Whether you choose a small, minimalist scarab or a larger, more detailed design, a bicep tattoo can add a muscular backdrop that enhances the visual impact of the tattoo.


The forearm is another versatile spot for a scarab tattoo. It provides a good amount of space, allowing for a range of design sizes. A scarab on your forearm can be an engaging visual element and a great conversation starter, as it’s easily seen by others. Whether you’re reaching out to shake someone’s hand or gesturing during a conversation, your scarab will be right there, adding to your unique story.

Scarab Tattoo on the Leg

A leg tattoo provides a large canvas for a detailed scarab design. Depending on the exact placement—thigh, calf, or shin—you have a lot of flexibility in terms of tattoo size and complexity. A leg placement can also give a scarab tattoo a sense of movement, especially on the calf, where the muscle’s natural flexing can make the scarab appear to push forward, just like in its ancient symbolic representation.


Choosing a scarab tattoo design is a journey into the rich tapestry of ancient symbolism and personal expression. From a pure, simple scarab to a larger, detailed scarab sleeve, the possibilities are endless. Each design tells a unique story, from the cycle of life and rebirth represented by the scarab and Ankh to the daily transformation symbolized by the scarab and sun design.

Remember, your tattoo is a deeply personal expression of your beliefs, your journey, and your connection to the ancient world. The scarab, with its potent symbolism, can serve as a powerful reminder of your capacity for transformation, evolution, and rebirth. Go ahead, let the scarab guide you in choosing your next tattoo, and carry its ancient wisdom with you wherever you go.

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